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Converting to the Benefit Trust's
 Accident & Sickness Programs

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How does Vault work?

Vault provides what is called supplemental coverage. Supplemental insurance plans are designed to fill in gaps not covered under traditional major medical plans. While health insurance provides coverage for medical bills, supplemental insurance covers additional expenses including deductibles, living expenses and lost wages. Benefits are paid directly to you, the member, to use as you see fit. These policies cover you on and off the job 24/7/365.

Vault has two kinds of coverage, accident coverage and an injury/sickness income program. Each is separate coverage, but both work in a similar fashion, both designed to pay you cash benefits. Want help when you are injured? Look at Vault's ACCIDENT CHAMPION policy. Want additional monthly income for when you are injured or sick? Look at Vault's SHIELD PLUS plan.

 Accident Coverage
Vault Administrative Services

You do not need to be off-work to collect Vault's Accident Champion benefits.

The new Vault policy matches everything the previous carrier (Triada) offered.

Vault's Accident Champion has features that work for our members—starting on day one. Over 70 different benefits.

 Injury/Sickness Coverage
Vault Administrative Services

Vault's Shield Plus allows you to buy coverage in blocks from $500–$1,500. If a doctor says you are sick or hurt, and unable to work, you get paid a daily amount based on your monthly coverage bracket, for up to 6 months.

Vault's Shield Plus is a Guaranteed Issue policy. No medical questions or exams. All members qualify for the same low rates, regardless of age, height, weight or any medical conditions, except mental stress.

The new Vault policy matches everything the previous carrier (Triada) offered. 

Converting from Triada to Vault

Because Vault Administrative Services is taking over all the existing policies from the previous carrier (Triada), there will be no change in benefits for existing policy holders in their new coverage.

There are several "legacy" plans which are closed to new enrollment. These include:

  • Triada-Legacy Accident Champion
  • Sickness Only Hospital Income (SAP)
  • Accident Only/Disability (DAP)
  • Accident Only (ADP)

If you are a “rollover” member who currently has on of these legacy plans from either Triada or Combined, you should contact Colbey Gonsalves at (949) 887-4233 to transition future coverage into a new VAULT policy.

New Policy Holders: Any members who are signing up for the first time will be directly enrolled in a policy from Vault, right from the get-go.

Your Triada Coverage

If you had any policy through Triada, these policies are in the process of being updated to reflect our new carrier–Vault Administrative Services.

Remember, there are NO CHANGES to your coverage during this transition

A.R.G. Benefits is an official partner of the CCPOA Benefit Trust Fund, and the exlusive representative for Vault's Accident Champion and Vault's Shield Plus. Their team of benefit representatives visit Institutions across the state on our behalf.

Questions about your plan?
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Dedicated Member Line

Your Benefit Trust Field Rep:

Colbey Gonsalves

Visit ARG Benefits
Policy Documents
Current Policy Documents

Accident Defender: Certificate of Coverage

Shield Plus: Certificate of Coverage

Legacy Plan Documents

For information about a Legacy plan, or a copy of the plan document, contact ARG Benefits: 888-211-6157

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